2011年6月22日 星期三

My first book of Everyday / Goodnight / Meal-time Prayers for kids from Age 0 to 4

Book Cover

Language: English,
Published in 2010 by The Clever Factory
Product Dimensions: 12 cm * 16 cm (Hardcover)
Weight: 50 g
Pages:   10 * 3 books
Price: HK$ 45  (including postal / courier fee within Hong Kong)
                       (USD8 including postal fee in most of the Asian Countries)
Launched date @Freeway226:  22 Jun, 2011

More Detail:
There is a special joy in hearing the sweet prayers of children. These bright, happy books will quickly find a place in your heart and the hearts of your little ones. Each book encourages faith, joy and love for God. (quoted from Amazon.com)


eg. Mom's happy, I'm happy. We are grateful - can you see? I will praise your grace, Lord. Thanks from mom and me.

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